Mystery of Negaposy Island/情报
< 双子阴阳岛之谜

情报编号 | 亨少表情 | 中文内容 | 英文内容 |
询问情报 | ![]() |
听取情报吗……?那么给一些小费应该不介意吧?只要给我五金币就可以了~ | You wanna to hear some information about this island? You don't mind leaving a tip, do you? Only 5 coins and you can hear something useful or interesting! |
初次,金币不够 | ![]() |
什么……?你身上连五金币都没有?算了,看你如此诚恳的眼神,这次就免费吧! | What? You even don't have 5 coins? Well, for the sake of your sincerity, the information this time is free! |
以后,金币不够 | ![]() |
什么……?你身上连五金币都没有?算了,看你如此诚恳的眼神,只要你把身上所有的金币给我就行了。 | What? You even don't have 5 coins? Well, for the sake of your sincerity, just give all the coins you have to me! |
以后,没有金币 | ![]() |
抱歉,但是你的身上真的一分钱也没有吗? | Sorry, but are you serious that you don't take any money with you? |
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传说双子阴阳岛曾经是一座和平的岛屿,岛上的不同气候相互制衡,达到了一种难以用科学去解释的平衡。但听说自从岛外的某些开发商看上了这座岛屿并且在上面开发资源后,这座岛就开始变得奇怪了起来…… | Legend has it that Negaposy Island used to be a peaceful island, where different climate could achieve a balance that can't be explained by science. But I heard that some developers outside this island were thirsty for resources on the island, and exploited resources there. After that, this island became strange…… |
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这座岛的北面有一座沉寂了很久的火山。据说这座上一次爆发是在好几千年前。但是最近似乎是受到了奇怪的气候的影响,这座火山居然又再次活跃了起来!想想看,当炽热的岩浆和寒冷的冰雪交织在一起时,会发生什么呢? | There is a volcano on the north of this island, which is inactive for a long time. People said that it has been thousands years since the last eruption of this volcano. However, seems due to the influence of abnormal climate, this volcano becomes active again! Imagine what happens when cold ice interacts with hot lava? |
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岛屿的中部有一座极难跨越的雪山。听说曾经有一个从恐龙岛远道而来的邦邦龙登山队试图征服这座雪山,但最后没有多少人顺利回来。很多邦邦龙在那次的登山活动中失踪了,没有人知道他们去了哪里…… | A snow mountain lies on the middle of this island, which is hard to get across. According to a rumor, once there was a Rex mountaineering party attempting to conquer this mountain, but little succeeded in coming back at last. Many Rexes went missing in that mountaineering activity, and none know where they went…… |
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你可能不知道……原先这座岛北部和南部的温差是很大的,但是听当地的居民说现在南北两边的温差越来越小,或者说……整座岛屿的气候正在逐渐变暖!这就是为什么那些南极贱畜会往荆棘林跑的原因吗?全岛变暖引起外来物种入侵? | What you may not know is that once the temperature gap between north and south of the island is rather big. But according to the residents here, temperature gap between these two places is shrinking. In other words…… Climate on this island gets warmer and warmer now! Is it why those Bumpties march into the bramble forest? The invasion of alien species results from island warming? |
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这座岛的南部有一个很大很大的黑森林,听说那里还有一棵直插云霄的巨树!我的朋友滑稽鹦鹉曾经在那里调查神秘力量的时候,在巨树的顶端附近发现了一个可疑的灰色砖块,但是他无论如何都无法破坏!唉……要是有什么沉重的像石像这样的东西来砸碎就好了。 | There's a huge dark forest stands on the southern island. Rumors tell that there's a giant tree piercing into the sky. When my buddy Funawks investigated mysterious power here, he found a strange gray block near the top of the giant tree. Unluckily, he couldn't break it. If only he took something very heavy like a stone statue! |
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根据这座岛上流传的传说,岛上的那些蜜蜂在几万年前就已经定居在这座岛上了。它们曾创造出了辉煌的文明,但是终于随着时间的推移而沉寂了下来。它们在森林的上方也修筑了很多建筑,虽说大多数都已经破败不堪,早已成为一片残垣断壁。传说当你将五块星星碎片带到那里某处的星星形状的金像前,星星碎片将会组成一颗完整的星星。 | According to a widely circulated legend on this island, Zingers have settled on this island since tens of thousands of years ago. They used to create a brilliant civilization, but it became silent as the time goes. They built a lot of buildings upon the forest, despite the fact that most of them fell into ruins. Someone said if you take 5 star pieces in front of a star-shaped golden statue, these star pieces will merge into a complete power star. |
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还记得我刚刚提到的蜜蜂一族吗?据说它们的统治者——蜜蜂女皇就栖息在比云层还要高的宫殿之中。但是我听说蜜蜂女皇只会在拥有足够勇气的冒险者前现身。反正我是没这个勇气啦……如果你想证明你的勇气,你最好还是先去调查完岛上其它三处地方的可疑现象吧! | Did you remember the Zinger tribe I mentioned before? People said that their ruler - Queen B. lives in a palace upon the clouds. But I also heard that she only appears in front of the brave ones. I don't expect I can meet her because I don't possess such bravery…… If you want to prove your bravery, you'd better investigate strange phenomenon in other three places on this island. |
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关卡中有一种带有笑脸的砖块,一旦敲击它,就会切换到简单模式。在简单模式下,你的受伤后的无敌时间会有所增加,在进入关卡时如果是小个子则会以大个子的状态开始,敌人的数量会有所减少,路上的补给也会变多。更重要的是,一旦你坠入深渊,并不会直接死亡,而是以受伤无敌的形式弹上来!不过要注意的是,简单模式下无法进行某些挑战,也会在一定程度上失去冒险的乐趣。只要在简单模式下再一次敲击这种砖块,就会切换为普通模式。 | There's a kind of block with a smile face on it in the levels. Once you hit it, you can change the level into 'Easy Mode'. In Easy Mode, the invincible frame after getting hurt lasts longer. When entering a level as a normal status, you will turn into super status. There will be fewer enemies and more power-ups. More importantly, once you fall into a bottomless pit, you will be bounced back with getting hurt, instead of a instant death. It should be noted that you can't carry on some challenges when playing in Easy Mode, you may lose the fun of adventure to some extent either. Once hit this kind of block in Easy Mode, you can change back to Normal Mode again! |
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当在一个关卡探险完后,通常情况下你可以获得一个银奖杯。但是我听说如果你要是再加把劲,不依靠简单模式一次性通过一个关卡的话,你可以得到一个金奖杯!怎么样,要不要试试看挑战一下自己呢? | When complete a level, you can get a sliver trophy under normal circumstances. But I heard that if you work harder, complete a level without any death and the help of Easy Mode, you will get a golden trophy! How about challenging yourself by getting golden trophies? |
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我听说如果你获得了全部四个金杯,并且所有关卡都在目标时间内完成的话,会有好事发生……但究竟是什么样的好事呢?我也不清楚,而且这听起来真的是太难了!但是我相信,只要经过不断的练习与努力,你们是一定可以做到的。加油吧! | I heard that once you get all four golden trophies, and complete every level in a given time, something good will happen…… What will happen? I dunno either. And this sounds too difficult! However, I believe that you can do it after constant practice and hard work. Good luck! |
全部情报讲完后 | ![]() |
很抱歉,我没有什么情报可以提供给你了。不过如果你愿意,我可以随时给你讲一些我以前和你说过的情报。 | I'm sorry, I can't provide information to you any more. But if you're willing, I can repeat the information I have told you before at any time! |
- 在商店向亨少打听情报时,如果第一次打听情报没有带够钱,亨少将会免费向玩家提供情报。在这之后,如果亨少的情报没有讲完,每次玩家向亨少打听情报时若身上带了金币但金币的数量不足5颗,亨少则会妥协将玩家身上仅有的钱收走并提供情报。如果玩家身上一分钱也没有,则无法向亨少打听情报。
- 根据亨少的情报,《暴雪爆破》这关的雪地里出现的邦邦龙装饰其实是以前在登山活动中失踪的恐龙岛登山队的队员。