local dict = {}
-- cfg['template-namespace-heading']
-- The heading shown in the template namespace.
dict['template-namespace-heading'] = "模板文档"
-- cfg['module-namespace-heading']
-- The heading shown in the module namespace.
dict['module-namespace-heading'] = "模块文档"
-- cfg['file-namespace-heading']
-- The heading shown in the file namespace.
dict['file-namespace-heading'] = "文档概要"
-- cfg['other-namespaces-heading']
-- The heading shown in other namespaces.
dict['other-namespaces-heading'] = "文档"
-- cfg['view-link-display']
-- The text to display for "view" links.
dict['view-link-display'] = "查看"
-- cfg['edit-link-display']
-- The text to display for "edit" links.
dict['edit-link-display'] = "编辑"
-- cfg['history-link-display']
-- The text to display for "history" links.
dict['history-link-display'] = "历史"
-- cfg['purge-link-display']
-- The text to display for "purge" links.
dict['purge-link-display'] = "刷新 Cache"
-- cfg['create-link-display']
-- The text to display for "create" links.
dict['create-link-display'] = "创建"
return dict